
We are equally dedicated to our team members, providing the education and in-field training necessary for them to uphold our standards of quality and efficiency. We take pride in nurturing a small team of highly trained and skilled employees.
If you are an abstractor looking for potential opportunities, we encourage you to reach out to us at [email protected]
Whether you need the confidence of thorough and experience-backed title services or a flexible and dynamic database system, CLT’s expert teams are dedicated to delivering the essential information you require for your projects.
Brandon and Jeremy Chasteen have been in the title and energy industries since 2003. They began their careers in the Barnett Shale, specializing in complex title reports for various projects. In 2013, they founded Chasteen Land and Title, LLC (CLT), dedicated to providing high-quality and efficient services from project inception to completion, as well as consistent and accurate communication with clients.
Today, our commitment to this vision remains unwavering as we offer a diverse range of skills that allow us to deliver an unmatched product. We firmly believe in narrating the “story” of title – in essence, comprehensively considering all transactions, inheritances, legal actions, and other factors that have shaped the history of a piece of land. Leveraging county records and our expertise, we ensure that your product stands out for its unparalleled accuracy and completeness.